(Some of)
Our Clients
It doesn’t matter WHAT you do… If the public doesn’t get it.
Local, county, state, federal, consultants — we’ve trained all levels of government and areas of the public-sector.
Your contributions will sit on a shelf if your work gets stopped.
If the public thinks your work infringes on rights, freedoms, or you’ve disregarded their input, or worse — that you have an agenda — they’ll fight you tooth and nail no matter how great your technical work is.
That is — unless you know how to earn opponents’ trust and respect in counterintuitive ways.
40+ Years of Experience. 40,000+ Professionals Trained.
Here’s an incomplete list of our clients
Local, Borough, Indigenous, County Governments, Special Districts, and Utilities
* Indicates clients for whom we’ve done on-site training.
Alaska: Local Govts
- Matanuska-Susitna (Matsu) Borough
Arizona: Local Govts
- American Transmission Co. WI*
Ann Arundel County, Annapolis, MD* Arrowhead Regional Development Commission, Duluth, MN* California Municipal League, Sacramento, CA* Central Contra Costa County Sanitation District, CA*Charles County, MD, Planning and Zoning City of Albuquerque, NM* City of Aurora, CO* City of Bellevue Utilities, WA* City of Bellingham, WA* City of Boulder, CO* City of Fort Collins, CO* City of Fresno, CA* City of Glendale, AZ* City of Grand Junction, CO* City of Greeley, CO, Water Dept.* - City of Janesville, WI*
- City of Lathrop, CA*
- City of Lynnwood, WA
- City of Merced, CA*
- City of Missoula, MT
- City of New York:
- City of Olympia, WA*
- City of Palo Alto, CA*
- City of Phoenix, AZ*
- City of Portland, OR*
- City of Rockville, MD*
- City of Round Rock, TX*
- City of San Marcos, TX*
- City of Santa Rosa, CA*
- City of Sheridan, WY*
- City of Shoreline, WA*
- City of St. Louis Park, MN*
- City of Virginia Beach, VA*
- City of Westminster, CO*
- Colorado Springs Utilities, CO*
- Community Hospital, Fort Collins, CO*
- Denver Water Department, Denver, CO*
- Dept. of Sanitation / Resource Recovery*
- Des Moines Water Dept., Des Moines, IA
- Director of Productivity
- Du Page County Waste Management, IL*
- Fairfax County, MD, Planning and Zoning*
- Fort Vancouver Regional Library District, Vancouver, WA
- Jacksonville Transportation Authority, FL*
- Jefferson County Libraries, CO*
- Jefferson County, WA*
- La Plata County, CO*
- Larimer County, CO*
- Lincoln Electric Systems, Lincoln, NE* Nebraska Public Power District*
- Los Angeles City Planning Dept.*
- Maryland National Capitol Parks and Planning Commission*
- Mayor’s Office
- Monterey County, CA*
- Montgomery County, MD, Environmental Division
- Operations Research
- Pennsylvania Power & Light*
- Pierce County, WA
- Salt River Project, Phoenix, AZ*
- Seattle Public Utilities*
- South Florida Water Management District
- Tacoma Public Utilities, Water Division*
- Thurston Regional Planning Council, WA
- Town of Estes Park, CO*
- Town of Gunnison, CO*
- Town of Lexington, MA*
State Agencies
* Indicates private for whom among these we’ve done private training.
Alaska State Agencies
- Dept. of Fish and Game*
- Environmental Conservation
- Natural Resources*
- Valdez Oil Spill Task Force*
California State Agencies
- Air Resources Board*
- Dept. of Transportation (Caltrans)*
- Dept. of Health
- Toxics Division
Colorado State Agencies
- Division of Wildlife*
- Dept. of Community Affairs*
- Dept. of Health Care and Finance*
- Land Board*
- Natural Resources Dept*
Delaware State Agencies
- Dept of Fish & Game
Florida State Agencies
- Fish & Wildlife Commission
Hawaii State Agencies
- Dept of Health (Planning)*
Indiana State Agencies
- Dept of Natural Resources*
Idaho State Agencies
- Dept. of Lands*
- Game and Fish Dept, Dept. of Environmental Quality*
Iowa State Agencies
- Air Quality Division*
- Dept. of Transportation*
- Dept. of Natural Resources
Kansas State Agencies:
- Dept. of Wildlife and Recreation
- Dept. of Transportation*
Maine State Agencies:
- Dept. of Environmental Protection*
- Game and Fish
Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources
Massachusetts Game & Fish Dept.
Missouri State Agencies:
- Dept. of Transportation*
- Dept. of Conservation*
- Dept. of Natural Resources
Minnesota State Agencies:
- Dept. of Transportation*
- Dept. of National Resources*
- Pollution Control*
Montana State Agencies:
- Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks*
- Office of the Governor, Helena, MT*
Nebraska Game and Fish Dept.
Nevada Game and Fish Dept.*
New Hampshire Game and Fish Dept.
New Jersey State Agencies:
- Dept of Transportation*
- Game and Fish Dept.
New Mexico Agencies
- New Mexico Air Quality Bureau*
- New Mexico Instream Commission*
North Dakota Game and Fish Dept.*
NY Dept. of Environmental Conservation*
Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources*
- Division of Watercraft*
Oregon State Agencies:
- Dept. of Forestry*
- Dept. of Transportation*
- Dept. of Administrative Services*
Rhode Island Game and Fish Dept.
Pennsylvania Game Commission*
South Dakota Dept. of Game and Fish*
Utah Game and Fish Dept.
Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries*
Washington State Agencies:
- Dept. of Transportation*
- Dept. of Natural Resources*
West Virginia Game and Fish Dept.
Wisconsin State Agencies:
- Dept. of Transportation*
- Dept. of Natural Resources*
Wyoming State Agencies:
- Dept. of Environmental Quality*
- Dept. of Game and Fish*
- Dept. of Transportation*
Federal and Multi-State Organizations, Educational Institutions, NGOs, Private Firms, Professional Associations, Consultants
* Indicates private for whom among these we’ve done private training.
Educational Institutions, Professional Associations, NGOs
- American Institute of Certified Planners
- American Planning Association
- California Special Training Institute, San Luis Obispo, CA*
- Defenders of Wildlife, FL*
- San Juan College, Farmington, NM*
- Society of Consulting Engineers of Wisconsin*
- The Los Alamos Leadership Center, Santa Fe, NM*
- The Nature Conservancy of New York*
- University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK*
- University of California, LANL Leadership Institute*
- University of Colorado, Denver, CO*
- University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN*
- WA State University, Pullman, WA*
- Wildlife Management Institute, DC*
- AECOM, Austin, Texas; Ontario, Canada
- Andrew Keir, Keir Group, Ontario, CN
- ARIX, Greeley, CO*
- Barr Engineers, Denver, CO*
- BDM Federal *
- BNFL, Idaho Falls, ID*
- Brown and Caldwell, Denver, CO* 4
- CH2MHill 4Dames and Moore
- Communications, Syracuse, NY
- EG&G Idaho, Idaho Falls, ID*
- Emmons Resources, Lake Elmo, MN*
- Enviro Issues, Seattle, WA
- Fluor Engineers, Irvine, CA*
- Ghostwriters Communication, Poultney, VT
- HDR, Minneapolis, MN*
- HNTB, St Louis, MO* and Austin, TX*
- Kezziah / Watkins, Colorado Springs, CO
- Lockheed Martin*
- Martin Marietta, Oak Ridge, TN*
- Mary Ann Chambers, Ft Collins, CO
- Montgomery Watson, CO and AK*
- Pat VanGorp, Madison, WI
- Paul Epstein, New York, NY
- RUST/Geotech, Grand Junction, CO
- Sear Brown, CO*
- SEH, Madison, Minneapolis, MN and Madison, WI*
- Sensible Environmental Solutions, Grand Junction, CO*
- The Writing Company, St Louis, MO*
- TranSmart, Madison, WI
- Urban Alternatives, Novato, CA
- Viatek Oy, Engineers, Helsinki, FINLAND*
- Westinghouse Savannah River, SC *
- Winston Assoc, Boulder, CO
- Wizard Communications, Syracuse, NY
- Wlm. Gould and Assoc, Cleveland, OH
Federal and Multi-State Organizations
- ACTION, the US Volunteer Agency* 4Bureau of Reclamation, Albuquerque, NM*
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Oak Ridge Natl. Laboratories*4Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM*
- Office of Surface Mining, Washington, DC*
- US Bureau of Land Management*
- US Corps of Engineers in New York, NY*
- US Dept of Energy* 4Los Alamos National Laboratories*
- US DOT: Federal Highway Administration *4US Nuclear Regulatory Commission *
- US Environmental Protection Agency *
- US Fish and Wildlife Service*
- US Forest Service* 4Northern Forest Lands Council* (including: Maine, Vermont, New York, and New Hampshire)
Again, this is NOT a complete list of our clients, if you’d like to touch base with someone in your line of work to discuss if our Consent-Building® training could benefit you, please email Jennifer@ConsentBuilding.com