You work on issues that matter. But it gets exhausting when the public misunderstands, opponents misrepresent, and policymakers approve -- but don't fund -- your recommendations.
If you've had our introductory course (Dealing with NIMBY using SDIC: the Systematic Development of Informed Consent - Level 1), you can get a deeper understanding of how to apply it to your actual work through the 4 Advanced Public Outreach Modules (Level 2) .
Hans, Jennifer, and Annemarie Bleiker
You don’t need to be charismatic, an extravert, or a spin doctor to get your projects moving.
You need a method that works.
You learned the basics of Consent-Building, now become skilled at applying it.
Know how to anticipate the issues and opposition before they even materialize...
This self-paced advanced course gives you all you need to become an Implementation Genius.
We (literally) give you a roadmap of how to structure your outreach and identify the KEY issues.
It's difficult to get anything accomplished with today's political environment and polarized interests...
But it's NOT impossible.
Take your understanding of Informed Consent from theory to second nature.
"I have had numerous opportunities to use various aspects of your program, with amazing results.
There have been so many of these small type epiphanies, sometimes my head starts to swim!"
"It exceeds other [courses]...
It has both the big-picture and the details!"
No matter how long ago, if you’ve had our SDIC or “Dealing with NIMBY using SDIC” course, you’re ready for our advanced material.
(If you could use a refresher before diving deeper, you can get that and the advanced in the Dealing with NIMBY course.)
Gain immediately useful insights you can use for the rest of your career, including:
*Create a tailored Outreach Program (Strategic)
*Learn the DOs and DON'Ts of meetings, Advisory Committees and other Techniques (Tactics)
*How to reverse Anti-Government attitudes towards you and your colleagues (Respect & Legitimacy)
*Why stakeholders give their Informed Consent while others become emotional or threaten violence (Values)
We recommend allotting 2 - 3 hours per week to watch the videos, complete any exercises, and engage with us and other students.
Or you're welcome to binge-watch the lessons and get our feedback as you go.
You can count on us!
We’ll give you individualized feedback on course-work you share with us, as well in group discussion areas and in emails.
If you haven’t had our introductory course (SDIC: the Systematic Development of Informed Consent) or the online version (Dealing with NIMBY), or if you’re looking for spin-doctors, gimmicks, or a way to “pull a fast one” on the public -- nothing we teach will be a good fit for you.
After you've completed each module's lessons, submitted assignments for our feedback, and participated in the online discussion area -- we'll send you a certificate of completion!
(Many students proudly add this to their resume as our training has become recognized as a standard in many professions.)
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