40+ Years of Experience.  40,000+ Professionals Trained.

You don’t need our help when everyone understands your recommendations.

You need it when organized opponents, special interests, and stakeholders with hidden motives pressure policymakers to ignore your advice and the negative impacts it entails.

You need it when your contributions are headed for the shelf because the public wants to “kick the can down the road”.

Your expertise tells you the problem won’t get smaller. The options won’t be better. Instead, the problem will be harder to address. The available solutions are more limited… The consequences are more dire.

You know things will get worse and your expertise will have gone to waste.

That’s when you need our help. 

"Practical and Implementable"

“This course is one of the most practical and implementable I have seen.”

-John Lucas, Supervisor of Training Design, Pennsylvania Power and Light Co.

"Two of my biggest opponents -- are now two of my biggest supporters!"

“Since taking both of your courses (SDIC and CPO), I have made some very controversial projects move forward where, in the past, we have stalled. My two biggest opponents — both of whom originally greeted my proposal with ‘Over My Dead Body’ — are now two of my biggest supporters! - Roland Hawk, Wisconsin Department of Transportation      


"This is beyond any course I've taken. Excellent!"  - Ruth Boettcher, Wildlife Biologist, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fish

"It is scary how well SDIC works!"

    “I have to be careful what I ask for -- it is scary how well SDIC works!” - Rick Manchester, Parks and Recreation Director and "Implementation Genius wanna-be", City of Two Rivers, WI  

"Really enjoyed -- when 'tools' were introduced"

  "Really enjoyed the second day when 'tools' were introduced." - Abby Alway, Program Coordinator, City of Eugene      


"High caliber" - Amber Beu, Senior Planner, Lane County, OR  


"Engaging, rational, interactive" - Molly Markarian, Senior Planner, City of Springfield, OR  

"Great Info"

"Great info. Thank you for sharing and developing." - Chad Cramer, Urban Designer, City of Eugene  

"I really enjoyed the assignments"

"I enjoyed the assignments and working with colleagues." - Jennifer Knapp, Urban Designer, City of Eugene  

"Very Detailed"

"Very detailed, with good materials to takeaway and lots of examples." - Melinda McLaughlin, Public Information Director, City of Eugene Police  

"Real-World Examples"

"Loved all the real-world examples and stories." - Lindsey Eichner, Senior Planner, Lane County, OR  

"Very Helpful"

"Very helpful information. I'm hopeful for future and pending projects." - Lindsey Eichner, Senior Planner, Lane County, OR  


"Thanks again for outstanding training; I'm looking forward to devoting some time to further study." - Tim Ingalls, Land Manager, Amarillo, TX  

"I've already used (it)"

"I've already used some of the specific tools (along with Hans' ideas) to begin to lay the groundwork for my upcoming 'working group'." - Mark Weston, Director, Division of Conservation, Colorado  


"Thank you for continuing the effort to help folks like me make progress on issues that matter to so many." - Jimmy Fox, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Fairbanks, AK  

"(Our) communication strategy has vastly improved"

"(Our) internal and external stakeholder communication strategy has been vastly improved." - Courtenay Sprunger, Big Sky Public Relations, Montana  


"Very useful. Looking forward to brush up on some of the SDIC and CPO training." - Neil Nance, Sacramento Regional Transit District  

"We developed significant buy-in"

"For a major, 13 million dollar project at the food co-op I was managing at the time, we developed very significant buy-in from our diverse membership of over 7,000 members." - Alex Gyori, Earth Bridge Community Land Trust, Inc.  

"We use this process"

"We use this process for any major outreach effort." - Cindy Hollenberg, New Mexico Environment Dept.  

"Consent is a huge component of this success"

"Critical. We work with stakeholders daily and helping build Consent is a huge component of this success." - Kathryn Klietz, Big Sky Public Relations, Montana  

"It made me unafraid to engage people"

"It has made me unafraid to engage people because I know I have the tools to get them on board with our projects." - Kylie Pierce, Rome Capitol Arts Complex, New York  

"Revolutionized my thinking"

"Revolutionized my thinking and approach to community engagement." - Henrietta DeGroot, Udall Foundation  

"Already thinking ahead"

"Just learned it but already thinking ahead to important ways it will be used!" - Sandy Young Klindt, Jeff-Lewis BOCES School Board, NY  

"I've helped many communities"

"I've been able to help many communities and organizations define and implement some of their visions." - Hugh Osborne, National Parks Service  

"It simply works!"

"It simply works! It works simply." - Richard Colgan, Austin, TX  

"The training was great"

"The training was great - I'm looking forward to using the knowledge we learned in the session in my day to day work!" - Becky Smith, Regional Communications Manager, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Canada  

"Genius... for overcoming NIMBYs"

"Consent-Building is very systematic and structured per the Bleikers' training, yet it's flexible for effectively overcoming NIMBYs, naysayers, and competing politics. Bleiker's work is genius. The real magic happens in the training." - Kenneth Ray, RJS Justice Services, Ashland, KY  

Public-Sector Work Is more Difficult

(without a proven strategy)

Communicating Your Technical Work

The public CAN understand your technical, even scientific, work. There are specific steps to get stakeholders and policymakers to understand your recommendations.

A Strategy that Works

Learn effective outreach tools

Clinic Library

Like Netflix for professionals, stream from 144+ presentations on problems unique to public-sector work. In about an hour, you’ll get clarity on how to handle your work’s biggest hurdles.

Discover why the typical outreach creates more distrust than trust, and how you can avoid those mistakes.

Get insights into how to demonstrate to your public that you’re listening and working to understand their needs and values.

In each Clinic, we cover details we can’t in our main course (Dealing with NIMBY using SDIC) that help you become a better problem-solve and public servant.

Dealing with NIMBY using SDIC

Earn the public’s trust and respect through honesty and transparency.

Get constructive input from “unreasonable”, “irrational”, even dishonest interests. Learn how to work with any opponent, including reluctant policymakers, and people who threaten violence.

Students often undergo a paradigm shift that sheds light on why the public does not trust, support, or fund their work. And how to earn it.

Beware: this Consent-Building approach takes loads of courage because it’ll demand the highest level of professional ethics and integrity from you and your team.

Group Coaching

During an hour of group coaching, we help apply what you learned in our SDIC course.

Whatever troubles you is a great place to start.

Maybe the public doesn’t understand the problem at hand?

They feel the process your using is unfair or mysterious?

Or it’s serious — people feel you’re infringing on their rights?

Together, we’ll think through what’s going wrong, misunderstandings that you or the public has, and how to keep working to earn each interest’s Informed Consent.