
Citizen Participation Handbook

What’s in It?

This text is an easy introduction to our Consent-Building® methodology, and why your professional life is limited without it.

It’s not a light read, as we cover 60 Principles of Public Involvement, which detail every aspect of public-sector work. Including: Why some projects get stopped, while other sail ahead to implementation… Some of the most important DOs and DON’Ts, and where stakeholders values come into play.

In it, you’ll find:

• the 60 Citizen Participation Principles that govern how things work in the strange, sometimes counter-intuitive, world of Citizen Participation.

• the 15 CP Objectives that can make or break any proposal or recommendation

• the 70+ CP Techniques that you can have in your toolbox. Tools you can use to fulfill your project’s CP Objectives. Including a long discussion on how to use Social Media in the public-sector, and design your organization’s website to increase credibility with the public.

Most importantly, the handbook also gives you a digital set of our most valued Needs Assessment Worksheets–with over 300 probing questions–for assessing your project’s CP needs; as well as a digital copy of the PAI/Issues Matrix.

The handbook is no replacement for our Consent-Building training, but will even instruct you in the step-by-step process for going from Citizen Participation Needs-Assessment to a CP Program Design!